Posts By: mercedes

Holiday Tips to De-Stress

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Ah, the festive holiday season…for all the glitter & cheery music, staff parties & family events, gifts to get (or make) & give, it can all feel overwhelming! The holidays can feel full of should dos or should haves, obligations….and instead of being celebratory it feels like something you have to just grit your teeth… Read more »

The Story of a Lie…

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by Mercedes Baines A memory I have of myself as a little girl maybe 4 or 5 years old, is walking in my grandparent’s garden. There were lots of rose bushes, it was the summer and I remember pulling a petal from a rose, putting it in my mouth, chewing and discovering that it was… Read more »

The body is not an apology

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The body is not an apology is a website and a facebook page that promotes radical self love. It is a refreshing tonic to the barrage of confusing and contradictory messages embedded into our culture about our bodies. It promotes valuing of one’s whole self in the present moment – not at some future time… Read more »

Good Grief? When will I ‘get over’ it?

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I am sure many of you are familiar with the idea that grief happens in stages and that a person has to get through all the stages or may never “get over” the death of a loved one. The thing is, what actually happens for people when someone dies is as unique as the griever…. Read more »